Innovative Psychotherapy

The following hypnosis recordings are now available:
• Sanctuary: Stress Relief (less than 20 minutes long)
• A Journey Inward: Getting All That You Need to Achieve Your Goals (about 1/2 hour long)
These recordings, available as downloads, make ideal gifts for yourself or others. These guided trance sessions are your tickets to quality time for yourself, when you can't afford to go to a spa on a regular basis, or hire a counsellor to help you make changes you want in your life. The principles of the Law of Attraction have always been an integral part of how self hypnosis is used.
For a preview, download the free Introductory Sample Trance Session, and Hypnosis Explained, or get the full versions to really treat yourself (for the price of a specialty coffee or two)! Use the first one, Sanctuary, to relax and unwind. Use the second, Journey Inward, to help you achieve all your goals for health, wealth and happiness. Get both as the perfect me-time package!